Hickory Tree Chorus Awards 2012 Scholarship
The Hickory Tree Chorus chapter of
Sweet Adelines International awarded its 2012 Annual $1,000 Scholarship July 25
to Ariel Rubin, a 2012 graduate of Montclair High School, who will attend Clark
University in Worcester, Massachusetts this fall.
Rubin has
performed in musical theater from a young age, and appeared in eight musical
productions at Montclair High School, including a starring role as Penelope Pennywise
in this year’s production of “Urinetown.”
She is also a talented pianist, and has studied dance, acting, and
musical theater at the ATC Studios in Clifton, NJ.
performing selections from “Jekyll and Hyde”, “Side Show”, and “Candide” for chorus
members and guests, Rubin was presented the award by Hickory Tree Chorus
Scholarship Chair, Lynn MacBeth
Since 2001,
the Basking Ridge-based Hickory Tree Chorus has awarded its annual scholarship
to an area high school senior girl who intends to pursue a career in music.
Recipients are chosen on the basis of their application and vocal music
talent. Applications for next year’s
scholarship will be available January 2013.
Tree Chorus is an award-winning women’s chorus performing popular music in
four-part, a cappella harmony, barbershop style. For scholarship, performance,
and membership information visit: hickorytreechorus.org