Monday, June 7, 2010

Sing and Celebrate 'Christmas In July'

Looking for a way to cool off? Think snow! Winter Wonderland, Jingle Bells, Frosty the Snowman --sing and celebrate ‘Christmas In July’ with the Hickory Tree Chorus chapter of Sweet Adelines International. Learn to sing the coolest winter holiday songs in four-part a cappella harmony!

The New Providence-based Hickory Tree Chorus sings popular music year ‘round and is warming-up its holiday repertoire for this winter’s community performances, including its annual show, caroling in area downtown shopping districts and tree lighting ceremonies. Members from more than 40 area communities meet weekly to socialize and rehearse chord-ringing, fun-filled popular music sung in four-part, a cappella harmony, barbershop style.

Women singers are invited to attend any or all Wednesday evening rehearsals in July, including the ‘Holiday Party’ July 21. Sing along with the melodies you know or challenge yourself to learn a harmony part. Rehearsals are held 7:30 pm, July 7, 14, 21, and 28, at 570 Central Avenue, New Providence, NJ. RSVP by e-mail: or phone 908-307-6367. Visit for more information.