Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Hickory Tree Chorus Awarded Regional Medal

The Hickory Tree Chorus chapter of Sweet Adelines International was awarded 3rd Place medals in the 2012 Greater New York Region annual competition, March 24 in Philadelphia, PA. It is the 27th regional medal awarded the Basking Ridge-based women’s chorus and the 14th under Master Director Carolyn Schmidt of Long Hill Township.

Individual members of the chorus also competed in the March 23 quartet competition, including Patricia Danner of Long Valley, who was awarded a 2nd Place medal with Drive! quartet. Members Rosemarie Gerber of Randolph, Lori Servidio of West Caldwell, Rita Peyton and Shayna Atkinson, both of Berkeley Heights, singing as Three Quarter Time quartet, were awarded the Novice Quartet Award.

Jeannie Allen of Florham Park, Eleanor Borris of Rockaway, and Lilas Schmidt of Long Hill Township were each awarded certificates recognizing their 40 years of continuous membership with the world-wide organization, singing exclusively with The Hickory Tree Chorus.

Sweet Adelines International is a worldwide organization of women singers dedicated to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education, competition, and performance.

The chorus competes and performs regularly and, through April 21, is accepting applications for its annual $1,000 scholarship, to be awarded to a graduating high school senior young woman. For membership, performance, and scholarship information e-mail info@hickorytreechorus.org or visit hickorytreechorus.org.