Monday, July 6, 2009

Hickory Tree Chorus Awards Scholarship

Virginia Hixson of Bridgewater has been awarded the 2009 Hickory Tree Chorus chapter of Sweet Adelines International Annual Scholarship. The chorus awards the $1,000 scholarship to an area high school senior girl with a good academic record and exceptional talent in vocal music who has applied for acceptance into a music program at a college or university.

Hixson is a June 2009 graduate of the Bridgewater-Raritan High School where she was a member of the Choir. She served as the Alto II section leader and was also accepted into the Chamber Choir where she sang alto II, and served as tenor section leader.

“I was the only ‘tenalto’ in my chamber choir,” says Virginia.

She also studied Music Theory and, as a senior, gave sight-singing lessons to freshmen and sophomore choir students. She is the youngest member of her church choir where she sings with her father, Dana Hixson. Virginia is currently the youngest member of the Hickory Tree Chorus, singing baritone. She performs regularly with the chorus and participated in both Regional and International competitions since joining the chorus in May 2007.

Hixson will attend The College of New Jersey in Ewing, NJ where she will major in mathematics and minor in music. Virginia has, since eighth grade, dreamed of becoming a mathematics teacher and now also dreams of becoming a Sweet Adelines International chorus director.

Sweet Adelines International is a worldwide organization of women singers committed to advancing the musical art form of barbershop harmony through education and performance. Hickory Tree Chorus rehearses and welcomes guests Wednesdays in New Providence, NJ. For membership, performance, and scholarship information visit